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People + Society
Palace of the Argentine National Congress, central structure
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tribunales Plaza Building (Massue Lookout), east elevation
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palace of Running Waters, northwest elevation
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Headquarters of the Bank of the Argentine Nation, main facade (south elevation)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palace of Running Waters, north elevation
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Faculty of Engineering (Las Heras Campus), east elevation
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Confitería del Molino, facade detail with tower
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Faculty of Engineering (Las Heras Campus), main facade (northeast elevation)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
955 Belgrano Office, south elevation
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palace of the Argentine National Congress, east elevation
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palace of Running Waters, facade detail of the northeastern corner
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palace of Running Waters, detail west facade
Buenos Aires, Argentina
San Roque González de Santa Cruz International Bridge, north elevation
Encarnación, Itapúa, Paraguay
Posadas, Misiones, Argentina
Palace of the Argentine National Congress, quadriga
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palace of the Argentine National Congress, southern allegorical sculpture group
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palace of Running Waters, facade detail of the northwestern corner
Buenos Aires, Argentina
San Blas neighbourhood with the city of Posadas in the background behind the Paraná River
Encarnación, Itapúa, Paraguay
Palace of the Argentine National Congress, tholobate and cupola
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palace of the Argentine National Congress, winged Victory statue of the northeastern corner structure
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Confitería del Molino, southeast elevation
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tribunales Plaza Building (Massue Lookout), upper part of the tower
Buenos Aires, Argentina
955 Belgrano Office, view from street level
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Skyline of Posadas, view from Encarnación
Posadas, Misiones, Argentina
Palace of the Argentine National Congress, cupola
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palace of the Argentine National Congress, northern allegorical sculpture group
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tribunales Plaza Building (Massue Lookout), southeast elevation
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palace of Running Waters, avant-corps
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palace of the Argentine National Congress, tholobate and cupola
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palace of the Argentine National Congress, southern allegorical sculpture group
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Confitería del Molino, tower
Buenos Aires, Argentina