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Seville Cathedral, east elevation
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Pilate's House, Hall of the Praetorian
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Gate of San Ildefonso / Gate of Al-Hakam II
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Abd al-Rahman I naves
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, expansion by Almanzor
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Pilate's House, arcades of the main courtyard (patio)
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Gate of the Holy Spirit, detail
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Seville Cathedral, choir
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, mihrab
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Pilate's House, main courtyard (patio)
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Abd al-Rahman I naves
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Saint Theresa chapel, monstrance repository
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Church of San Dionisio
Jerez de la Frontera, Andalusia, Spain
Pilate's House, main courtyard (patio)
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Saint Theresa chapel, monstrance repository and grave of Cardinal Salazar
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Main Chapel, altar
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Pilate's House, entrance to the chapel of the flagellation
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Pilate's House, Hall of the Praetorian
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Abd al-Rahman I naves
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, expansion by Al-Hakam II
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Main Chapel
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Pilate's House, muqarna cupula of the staircase
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Pilate's House, arcade of the main courtyard (patio)
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, southwest corner at Triumph Square
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Abd al-Rahman I naves
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Seville Cathedral, sacristy
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Main Chapel, choir
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Pilate's House, detail of an arcade of the main courtyard (patio)
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Gate of Saint Michael
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain