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People + Society
coral rag
Former Police Station, balcony and mural paintings
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, bastion of Saint Matthew, turret
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, bastion of Saint Matthew
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, bastion of Saint Philip, northeast elevation
Mombasa, Kenya
Holy Ghost Cathedral, north elevation
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, Portuguese wall paintings (graffiti)
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, walls and Omani well
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, northern wall with turret
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, inner courtyard with chapel ruins and museum galery (former barracks) in the background
Mombasa, Kenya
Lookmanji Curio Shop, facade
Mombasa, Kenya
Former Police Station, south elevation
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, building of Portuguese wall paintings
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, museum galery (former British barracks)
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, bastion of Saint Matthew, turret
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, captain's house
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, passage of the arches
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, audience hall (Mazrui Hall)
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, Portuguese inscription above the main gate
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, bastion of Saint Matthias
Mombasa, Kenya
Former Police Station, lateral door
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, Portuguese wall paintings (graffiti)
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, passage of the arches
Mombasa, Kenya
Holy Ghost Cathedral, northwest elevation
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, turret
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, main gate
Mombasa, Kenya
Fort Jesus, bastion of Saint Matthew
Mombasa, Kenya