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European styles
Tower of Belem, northeast elevation
Lisbon, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, south portal, statue of Virgin Mary
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Tower of Belem, turret
Lisbon, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, southeast elevation
Lisbon, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, south portal archivolt detail
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, bell tower
Lisbon, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, top of the bell tower
Lisbon, Portugal
Tower of Belem, east elevation
Lisbon, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, facade ornament
Lisbon, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, top of the bell tower
Lisbon, Portugal
Tower of Belem, northeast elevation
Lisbon, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, south portal
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, southeast elevation
Lisbon, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, south portal archivolts detail
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, tower window with bell
Lisbon, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, south portal statues
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, doors of the South Portal
Lisbon, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, southeast elevation
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, facade detail
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Tower of Belem, balcony of the east elevation
Lisbon, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, south portal detail
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, window
Lisbon, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, south portal detail
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, door
Lisbon, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, refectory, azulejo
Lisbon, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, refectory, azulejo
Lisbon, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, spirelet crowning the south portal
Lisbon, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, South Portal statue of Saint Peter
Lisbon, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, south portal with archivolts
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, facade detail
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Tower of Belem, turret of the tower top
Lisbon, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, facade detail with gargoyle
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Tower of Belem, balcony of the north elevation
Lisbon, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, south portal detail
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, window
Lisbon, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, south portal archivolts detail
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, tower window
Lisbon, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, south portal detail
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, refectory, azulejo
Lisbon, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, bell tower
Lisbon, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, spirelet crowning the south portal
Lisbon, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, South Portal statue of Saint Paul
Lisbon, Portugal
Tower of Belem, bastion with turret
Lisbon, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, spirelet
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Tower of Belem, turret
Lisbon, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, south portal
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, window
Lisbon, Portugal
Convent of Christ, Manueline Church, south portal archivolts detail
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, bell tower
Lisbon, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, refectory, azulejo
Lisbon, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, top of the bell tower
Lisbon, Portugal
Monastery of the Hieronymites, Church of Saint Mary, upper part of the South Portal
Lisbon, Portugal