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People + Society
Classical Ottoman Period
Islamic World
Süleymaniye Mosque, prayer hall
Istanbul, Turkey
Süleymaniye Mosque, northwest facade detail, cupolas
Istanbul, Turkey
Süleymaniye Mosque, northwest elevation, courtyard
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Baghdad Kiosk, southwest elevation
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Chamber of Petitions, northwest elevation
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Imperial Council, entrance with gilded grills
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Imperial Council, consultation hall, detail
Istanbul, Turkey
Süleymaniye Mosque, arcades of the inner courtyard
Istanbul, Turkey
Süleymaniye Mosque, view from the madrasas of the mosque complex (külliye)
Istanbul, Turkey
Süleymaniye Mosque, Süleymaniye Square Fountain
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Baghdad Kiosk, cupola
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Chamber of Petitions, door with fountain
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Imperial Council, clerk's room
Istanbul, Turkey
Süleymaniye Mosque, southwest elevation
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Baghdad Kiosk, arcade
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Chamber of Petitions, northwest elevation
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Imperial Council, arcade with entrance
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Imperial Council, consultation hall
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Imperial Council, clerk's room
Istanbul, Turkey
Süleymaniye Mosque, detail of the southwest facade
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Baghdad Kiosk, arcades
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Baghdad Kiosk, interior
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Imperial Council, Tower of Justice, southeast elevation
Istanbul, Turkey
Süleymaniye Mosque, main cupola
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Baghdad Kiosk, north elevation
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Baghdad Kiosk, interior
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Imperial Council, Tower of Justice, south elevation
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Imperial Council, entrances with gilded grills
Istanbul, Turkey
Süleymaniye Mosque, main cupola
Istanbul, Turkey
Süleymaniye Mosque, northwest elevation, courtyard
Istanbul, Turkey
Süleymaniye Mosque, ablution facilities (wudu)
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Baghdad Kiosk, interior with silver charcoal stove
Istanbul, Turkey
Topkapi Palace, Chamber of Petitions, main entrance
Istanbul, Turkey