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Adria Palace, detail east facade
Prague, Czechia
Spanish Synagogue, rose window
Prague, Czechia
Former Franciscan Monastery, fresco of the Holy Family
Valtice, South Moravian Region, Czechia
Samson's Fountain, sculptures of atlantes supporting Samson
Budweis, South Bohemian Region, Czechia
Přemysl Ottokar II Square, houses of the southern side
Budweis, South Bohemian Region, Czechia
Margaret's Fountain, northwest elevation
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
Michal House, Zacharias of Hradec Square № 61
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
Zacharias of Hradec Square № 15, east elevation
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
Zacharias of Hradec Square № 15, mural painting
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
Adria Palace, north elevation
Prague, Czechia
Spanish Synagogue, interior
Prague, Czechia
National Theatre, northwest elevation
Prague, Czechia
South Bohemian Museum, facade detail of the central structure
Budweis, South Bohemian Region, Czechia
Palace of Justice, east elevation
Budweis, South Bohemian Region, Czechia
Hotel Slunce, north elevation
Budweis, South Bohemian Region, Czechia
Michal House, Zacharias of Hradec Square № 61, gable
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
Zacharias of Hradec Square № 15, oriel
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
Zacharias of Hradec Square № 15, mural painting
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
House of the Black Madonna, northeast elevation
Prague, Czechia
Adria Palace, north fassade
Prague, Czechia
Adria Palace, interior
Prague, Czechia
Spanish Synagogue, west elevation
Prague, Czechia
Spanish Synagogue, annex, southwest elevation
Prague, Czechia
Spanish Synagogue, interior
Prague, Czechia
National Theatre, main facade (north elevation)
Prague, Czechia
National Theatre, New Stage, north elevation
Prague, Czechia
White Tower, east elevation
Budweis, South Bohemian Region, Czechia
Zacharias of Hradec Square № 58 to 56
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
Marian Column, northwest elevation
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
Adria Palace, detail north fassade
Prague, Czechia
Spanish Synagogue, interior
Prague, Czechia
Former Franciscan Monastery, east elevation
Valtice, South Moravian Region, Czechia
South Bohemian Museum, central structure (northeast elevation)
Budweis, South Bohemian Region, Czechia
Palace of Justice, northern portal
Budweis, South Bohemian Region, Czechia
Samson's Fountain, north elevation
Budweis, South Bohemian Region, Czechia
Golden Bridge, southeast elevation
Budweis, South Bohemian Region, Czechia
former Synagogue of Telč, southeast elevation
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
Telč Castle, northwest elevation
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
House of the Black Madonna, Madonna
Prague, Czechia
Adria Palace, detail interior
Prague, Czechia
Adria Palace, interior, astrological sign sculptures
Prague, Czechia
Adria Palace, statue of the facade
Prague, Czechia
Spanish Synagogue, facade detail
Prague, Czechia
Spanish Synagogue, annex, southeast elevation
Prague, Czechia
Spanish Synagogue, candelabra
Prague, Czechia
Robert Guttmann Gallery, northeast elevation
Prague, Czechia
Spanish Synagogue, pendentive with ornaments
Prague, Czechia
Spanish Synagogue, window detail
Prague, Czechia
National Theatre, triga sculpture
Prague, Czechia
National Theatre, New Stage, northeast elevation
Prague, Czechia
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