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European styles
Early Renaissance
High Renaissance
Italian Renaissance
Northern Renaissance
Fort Jesus, museum galery (former British barracks)
Mombasa, Kenya
Telč House, Zacharias of Hradec Square № 31
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
Borch's House, gable
Kolding, Southern Denmark, Denmark
San Sebastián Hospital, chapel
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Carovana Palace, facade detail with sgraffiti and bust of Cosimo I
Pisa, Tuscany, Italy
Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Atrium of the Four Gates
Vatican City, Holy See
Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy, facade Court of Honour
Dijon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
Fort Jesus, passage of the arches
Mombasa, Kenya
Telč Castle, northwestern tower
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
Lübeck City Hall, arcade porch building in front of the southern shield wall
Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Main Chapel
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Carovana Palace, facade detail with bust of Ferdinando II
Pisa, Tuscany, Italy
Vatican Museums, Ethnological Museum Anima Mundi
Vatican City, Holy See
Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy, Tower of Philip the Good, northwest elevation
Dijon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
Fort Jesus, bastion of Saint Matthias
Mombasa, Kenya
Telč Castle, detail (north elevation)
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
Lübeck City Hall, arcade porch building, detail of the ornamented facade
Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Vatican Museums, Vatican Pinacotheca, south elevation
Vatican City, Holy See
Burgher's House Main Street №19, Madonna on column
Eisenstadt, Burgenland, Austria
Etruscan Arch, loggia (northeast elevation)
Perugia, Umbria, Italy
Lübeck City Hall, oriel, detail of the ornaments
Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Archiginnasio Palace, inner courtyard
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
University of Évora, College of the Holy Spirit, geography room
Évora, Portugal
Vatican Museums, Vatican Pinacotheca, central avant-corps
Vatican City, Holy See
Delft City Hall, facade detail
Delft, South Holland, Netherlands
Rocca Paolina, corridor of the interior
Perugia, Umbria, Italy
Church of Our Lady, interior
Korčula, Dubrovnik-Neretva, Croatia
Archiginnasio Palace, coat of arms reliefs of the first floor arcades
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
General Archive of the Indies, northwest elevation
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Momo Spiral Staircase
Vatican City, Holy See
Delft City Hall, northwest elevation
Delft, South Holland, Netherlands
Grand Ducal Palace, old town hall, door
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Kostanjevica Cistercian Monastery, northwest elevation with the Church of the Annunciation
Kostanjevica na Krki, Slovenia
Archiginnasio Palace, coat of arms reliefs of the first floor arcade
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Vatican Museums, Vatican Pinacotheca, sgraffito painting
Vatican City, Holy See
Delft City Hall, detail with roof and tower “De Steen”
Delft, South Holland, Netherlands
Grand Ducal Palace, facade detail
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
St. George's Parish Church, bell tower (campanile) and baptistery
Piran, Slovenia
Wawel Royal Castle
Cracow, Lesser Poland, Poland
Archiginnasio Palace, vault with coat of arms fresco and memorial plate
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Pilate's House, arcade of the main courtyard (patio)
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Vatican Museums, Vatican Pinacotheca, detail lateral avant-corps
Vatican City, Holy See
Prince's Palace of Monaco, Saint Mary's Tower
Monaco-City, Monaco
St. George's Parish Church, interior
Piran, Slovenia
Palace of the Podestà, Arengo Tower
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Pilate's House, Hall of the Praetorian
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Maillard House, facade detail with windows
Dijon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
Fort Jesus, audience hall (Mazrui Hall)
Mombasa, Kenya
Prince's Palace of Monaco, main facade (southeast elevation)
Monaco-City, Monaco
Palace of the Podestà, detail with Arengo Tower
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
University of Évora, College of the Holy Spirit, Cloister of the General Studies, avant-corps and courtyard fountain
Évora, Portugal
Maillard House, facade detail
Dijon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
Fort Jesus, Portuguese wall paintings (graffiti)
Mombasa, Kenya
Prince's Palace of Monaco, overdoor of the main gate
Monaco-City, Monaco
Rosenborg Castle, southwest elevation
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Church of Saint Stephen of the Knights
Pisa, Tuscany, Italy
Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy, entrance to the Court of Honour
Dijon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
Fort Jesus, main gate
Mombasa, Kenya
Borch's House, facade detail with carved timber beams
Kolding, Southern Denmark, Denmark
University of Évora, College of the Holy Spirit, doors of the Great Hall
Évora, Portugal
Piccolomini Palace, facade detail (northwest elevation)
Pienza, Tuscany, Italy
Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy, Tower of Philip the Good, northeast elevation
Dijon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
Fort Jesus, walls and Omani well
Mombasa, Kenya
Telč Castle, tower of the lower gate
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
Seville Cathedral, sacristy
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Carovana Palace, facade detail with bust of Cosimo I
Pisa, Tuscany, Italy
University of Évora, College of the Holy Spirit, Cloister of the General Studies, pediment with statues
Évora, Portugal
Vatican Museums, Belvedere Courtyard, southeast elevation
Vatican City, Holy See
Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy, Tower of Philip the Good, southwest elevation
Dijon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
Telč Castle, west elevation
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
Lübeck City Hall, arcade porch building, facade detail with gable
Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Main Chapel, choir
Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
Carovana Palace, facade detail with bust of Francesco I
Pisa, Tuscany, Italy
Vatican Museums, Ethnological Museum Anima Mundi
Vatican City, Holy See
Fort Jesus, bastion of Saint Matthew, turret
Mombasa, Kenya
Lübeck City Hall, oriel, south elevation
Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
University of Évora, College of the Holy Spirit, main portal
Évora, Portugal
Burgher's House Main Street №19, Madonna
Eisenstadt, Burgenland, Austria
Etruscan Arch, loggia (north elevation)
Perugia, Umbria, Italy
Lübeck City Hall, New Chamber (Neues Gemach), Renaissance staircase
Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Vatican Museums, Vatican Pinacotheca, central avant-corps
Vatican City, Holy See
Rocca Paolina, corridor to the Porta Marzia
Perugia, Umbria, Italy
Church of Our Lady
Korčula, Dubrovnik-Neretva, Croatia
Pilate's House, entrance to the chapel of the flagellation
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Delft City Hall, east elevation
Delft, South Holland, Netherlands
Grand Ducal Palace, facade detail of the old town hall
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Archiginnasio Palace, first floor arcade with door and coat of arms reliefs
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Pilate's House, main courtyard (patio)
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Vatican Museums, Vatican Pinacotheca, facade detail with niche
Vatican City, Holy See
Delft City Hall, rear side with tower “De Steen”
Delft, South Holland, Netherlands
Grand Ducal Palace, facade detail
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
St. George's Parish Church, main facade
Piran, Slovenia
Archiginnasio Palace, second floor gallery with coat of arms paintings and reliefs
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Pilate's House, detail of an arcade of the main courtyard (patio)
Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Maillard House, front facade
Dijon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
Fort Jesus, northern wall with turret
Mombasa, Kenya
Prince's Palace of Monaco, Saint Mary's Tower
Monaco-City, Monaco
Kostanjevica Cistercian Monastery, southwest elevation
Kostanjevica na Krki, Slovenia
Palace of the Podestà, facade detail
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Holy Trinity Bridge, southeast elevation
Florence, Tuscany, Italy
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