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architectural elements
fortification element
artillery battery
Tower of Belem, east elevation
Lisbon, Portugal
Fisherman's Bastion, northern part
Budapest, Hungary
Fort Jesus, bastion of Saint Philip, northeast elevation
Mombasa, Kenya
Moscow Kremlin, Kutafya Tower, west elevation
Moscow, Russia
Fisherman's Bastion, tower with access to the Jesuit stairs
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, northern towers
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, northwestern tower
Budapest, Hungary
Fort Jesus, bastion of Saint Matthew
Mombasa, Kenya
Wawel Royal Castle, caponier, Sigismund Tower and Clock Tower
Cracow, Lesser Poland, Poland
Tower of Belem, northeast elevation
Lisbon, Portugal
Tower of Belem, turret
Lisbon, Portugal
Fisherman's Bastion, Equestrian Statue of St. Stephen, south elevation
Budapest, Hungary
Agra Fort, walls
Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
Tower of Belem, northeast elevation
Lisbon, Portugal
Fisherman's Bastion, northern tower
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, View of the parliament building through window arcades
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, Frigyes Schulek Stairs
Budapest, Hungary
Agra Fort, walls
Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
Moscow Kremlin, Kutafya Tower, with Trinity Tower in the background
Moscow, Russia
Tower of Belem, turret
Lisbon, Portugal
Middle Ground Coastal Battery, east elevation
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Fisherman's Bastion, tower
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, stone carving detail
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, Equestrian Statue of St. Stephen, lion statue
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, northern tower
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, tower with spire
Budapest, Hungary
Telč Castle, bastion with lower gate (northeast elevation)
Telč, Highlands Region, Czechia
Agra Fort, Amar Singh Gate, outer gate
Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
Tower of Belem, bastion with turret
Lisbon, Portugal
Tower of Belem, balcony of the east elevation
Lisbon, Portugal
Fisherman's Bastion, Jesuit stairs
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, Equestrian Statue of St. Stephen, southwest elevation
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, Equestrian Statue of St. Stephen, southern relief
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, Frigyes Schulek Stairs, detail
Budapest, Hungary
Rocca Paolina, southeastern bastion
Perugia, Umbria, Italy
Tower of Belem, balcony of the north elevation
Lisbon, Portugal
Fisherman's Bastion, tower, gate, and St. Michael's Chapel
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, balcony
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, Equestrian Statue of St. Stephen, west elevation
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, Equestrian Statue of St. Stephen, western relief
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, Frigyes Schulek Stairs, window
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, Frigyes Schulek Stairs
Budapest, Hungary
Fort Jesus, bastion of Saint Matthew
Mombasa, Kenya
Wawel Royal Castle, caponier, Sigismund Tower and Clock Tower
Cracow, Lesser Poland, Poland
Tower of Belem, turret of the tower top
Lisbon, Portugal
Middle Ground Coastal Battery, south elevation
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Fisherman's Bastion, northern part
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, Equestrian Statue of St. Stephen, northwest elevation
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, Equestrian Statue of St. Stephen, eastern relief
Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion, Frigyes Schulek Stairs, stone carving detail
Budapest, Hungary
Fort Jesus, bastion of Saint Matthias
Mombasa, Kenya