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People + Society
work type
performing arts structure / building
concert hall
opera house
National Opera and Ballet of Belarus
Minsk, Belarus
Old Opera, southwest corner with quarter-circle wall
Frankfurt on the Main, Hesse, Germany
Paradise Movie Theater, northeast elevation
Tomar, Santarem District, Portugal
Graz Opera, avant-corps of the northeastern facade
Graz, Styria, Austria
Thalia Neu (Next Liberty), with sculpture “ Light Sword”
Graz, Styria, Austria
Verona Arena, arcades of the facade
Verona, Veneto, Italy
Adria Palace, north elevation
Prague, Czechia
Tyrolean State Theatre (Big House), west elevation
Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria
New Church, roof and spire
The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands
Royal Theater Tuschinski, main facade
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Philharmonie Luxembourg, north elevation
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Philharmonie Luxembourg, detail of the eastern facade
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Sydney Opera House, roof detail (west elevation)
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Sydney Opera House, north elevation
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Alabin Regional Museum of Local History, southwest elevation
Samara, Russia
Alabin Regional Museum of Local History, facade detail, relief
Samara, Russia
Gorky Drama Theatre, tower
Samara, Russia
Old Opera, main facade
Frankfurt on the Main, Hesse, Germany
Graz Opera, south elevation
Graz, Styria, Austria
Verona Arena, view towards southeast
Verona, Veneto, Italy
Verona Arena, facade with remains of the outer wall (l'Ala)
Verona, Veneto, Italy
Adria Palace, north fassade
Prague, Czechia
Adria Palace, interior
Prague, Czechia
National Theatre, northwest elevation
Prague, Czechia
Tyrolean State Theatre (Big House), southwest elevation
Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria
New Church, northeast elevation
The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands
Royal Theater Tuschinski, balcony
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Philharmonie Luxembourg, northwest elevation
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Sydney Opera House, Concert Hall
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Gorky Drama Theatre
Samara, Russia
Berlin Philharmonic Hall, south elevation
Berlin, Germany
Alabin Regional Museum of Local History, west elevation
Samara, Russia
Gorky Drama Theatre, front elevation
Samara, Russia
Regal Cinema, main facade
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Opera of the Slovak National Theatre, main facade
Bratislava, Slovakia
Adria Palace, detail north fassade
Prague, Czechia
National Theatre, main facade (north elevation)
Prague, Czechia
National Theatre, New Stage, north elevation
Prague, Czechia
Solís Theatre, northwest elevation
Montevideo, Uruguay
New Church, east elevation
The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands
Royal Concert Building, east elevation
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Royal Concert Building, pediment
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Philharmonie Luxembourg, northeast elevation
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Philharmonie Luxembourg, detail of the eastern facade
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Sydney Opera House, Concert Hall
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Graz Opera, detail of the northeastern facade
Graz, Styria, Austria
Bolshoi Theatre, south elevation
Moscow, Russia
Adria Palace, detail east facade
Prague, Czechia
Solís Theatre, north elevation
Montevideo, Uruguay
House of Music, southwest elevation
Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria
Royal Concert Building, relief of the pediment
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Sydney Opera House, staircase of the entrance
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Sydney Opera House, east elevation
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Copenhagen Opera House, northwest elevation
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Cinéma Opéra, west elevation
Reims, Grand Est, France
Alabin Regional Museum of Local History, north elevation, main entrance
Samara, Russia
Alabin Regional Museum of Local History, west elevation
Samara, Russia
Alabin Regional Museum of Local History, relief
Samara, Russia
Gorky Drama Theatre, tower
Samara, Russia
Victory Movie Theatre, main facade
Minsk, Belarus
National Opera and Ballet of Belarus, auditorium
Minsk, Belarus
Bolshoi Theatre, facade detail
Moscow, Russia
Verona Arena, interior
Verona, Veneto, Italy
Opera of the Slovak National Theatre, facade detail
Bratislava, Slovakia
Adria Palace, detail east facade
Prague, Czechia
Adria Palace, detail north fassade with sculpture group
Prague, Czechia
Adria Palace, statue of the facade
Prague, Czechia
Adria Palace, statue of the facade
Prague, Czechia
National Theatre, triga sculpture
Prague, Czechia
National Theatre, New Stage, northeast elevation
Prague, Czechia
Solís Theatre, portico
Montevideo, Uruguay
Solís Theatre, pediment
Montevideo, Uruguay
South Bohemian Theatre, southwest elevation
Budweis, South Bohemian Region, Czechia
New Church, coat of arms above the main portal
The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands
Royal Concert Building, southeast elevation
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Royal Theater Tuschinski, facade detail with lettering
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Philharmonie Luxembourg, detail of the northwestern facade
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Philharmonie Luxembourg, perron of the southern elevation
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Sydney Opera House, northwest elevation
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
National Opera and Ballet of Belarus
Minsk, Belarus
Cinéma Opéra, facade detail, windows
Reims, Grand Est, France
Gorky Drama Theatre, front elevation
Samara, Russia
Victory Movie Theatre, northwest elevation
Minsk, Belarus
Capitol Cinema (Gaiety Theatre), east elevation
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Graz Opera, northwest elevation
Graz, Styria, Austria
Thalia Neu (Next Liberty), detail east elevation
Graz, Styria, Austria
Verona Arena, corridor of the interior
Verona, Veneto, Italy
Opera of the Slovak National Theatre, facade detail
Bratislava, Slovakia
Adria Palace, sculpture group
Prague, Czechia
Adria Palace, statue of the facade
Prague, Czechia
National Theatre, northeast elevation
Prague, Czechia
National Theatre, detail of the east facade
Prague, Czechia
Solís Theatre, portico
Montevideo, Uruguay
Solís Theatre, round gable of the western wing
Montevideo, Uruguay
New Church, detail of the southeastern facade
The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands
New Church, roof and spire
The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands
Royal Concert Building, avant-corps
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Royal Theater Tuschinski, balcony
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Philharmonie Luxembourg, detail of the eastern facade
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Philharmonie Luxembourg, detail of the western side entrance
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
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